Ret Samadhi: Booker Award and Dialectics of South Asian Literature

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Dr Amod Kumar Rai


Gitanjali Shree, now seen in the elite group of Booker winners, basically a teacher of English and social studies, has solicited a coveted recognition for herself with her brilliant writing skill in Hindi. Indian academics and literary sphere owe a rich tradition of such all-round competence of certain eminent personalities who having a commanding deft in their professional discipline flaunts an equal skill in a discipline of a different language. Many a shining name like Firaq Gorakpuri, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Ram Villas Sharma, Madhav Kaushik, Anamika, Ashok Vajpayee and lastly, but not the least, to mention the name of Gitanjali Shree is a strong testimony that Indian intelligentsia is multidisciplinary. In the current monograph the author intends to analyze certain features in the dialectics of South Asian literature in Gitanjali Shree’s Booker Award winning work of Ret Samadhi, Tomb of Sand. One sole purpose of this investigation is to ascertain accuracy in her portrayal of Indian society in 21st century. If this portrayal conforms to the tradition of early Booker winner writers like Rushdi, Naipaul, Adiga, Desai and Roy or it has modulated the depiction of South Asian society with a distinguished prying into it. One of the arch constituents of South Asian dialectics is a vivid sketch of society with all its chores and an imitative representation of the entire zeitgeist. From this perspective how well, the authoress has succeeded in foregrounding the apparent and subterranean reality has to be weighed in this paper. There is an easily perceptible thread of commonality in almost all Indian Booker winner writers that is to expose even the hidden vulnerabilities of Indian society and to ignore even the most conspicuous beauties of it. Is Gitanjali also treading on the same path or she has her own trajectory with some distinction is another intent of this research paper.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Dr Amod Kumar Rai. “Ret Samadhi: Booker Award and Dialectics of South Asian Literature”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 8, no. 5, Oct. 2023, pp. 24-33, doi:10.53032/tcl.2023.8.5.03.
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Cyber References:

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