Study of Motifs in Faiz’s Rebel’s Silhouette

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Vishal Chandrakant Bodhale


Present paper focuses on study of some major motifs in Faiz Ahmed Faiz`s Rebel`s Silhouette. Motifs like spring, blood, wine, night and solitude are studied here. Spring is the motif of promised destination. It symbolizes hope for the revolutionary spirit. Blood symbolizes martyr and cruelty. It has been frequently appeared in these poems. Wine is the motif of epicurean tendency of poet to celebrate expressions like love and freedom. Motif like night expresses the darkness and hopelessness in the personal life of poet. It is the cushion of pessimism. The last motif solitude appears as meditative need of the poet. It is much closer and vitally experienced state of poetic mind.


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How to Cite
Vishal Chandrakant Bodhale. “Study of Motifs in Faiz’s Rebel’s Silhouette”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 5, no. 5, Dec. 2020, pp. 61-69, doi:10.53032/tcl.2020.5.5.08.


Abrams, M.H & Harpham, Geoffrey. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2009. 178.

Faiz, Ahmed Faiz. “The Rebel`s Silhouette (Trnslt.Agha Shahid Ali)”, Oxford University, 1992. Press, Yaqin, Amina (2013), “Faiz Ahmed Faiz: The Worlding of a Lyric Poet”, Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies, Vol. 5, Issue-1. 11.30 pm retrieved on 20 August 2019.