Dalit and African Literature as the Discourse of Resistance: A Comparative Study

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  • Talat Research Scholar Social Sciences and Humanities NIT, Patna




Caste, Race, Postcolonialism, Varnashramdharma, Resistance Discourse


The research article is to give literary representation to Dalits and Africans against the politics of caste and race. Dalits, we all know, suffered suppression, humiliation and oppression in the past and present in the name of Varna system while Africans have been forced to serve their masters under the colonial system. It is an attempt to focus on a comparative study between these two groups in the context of oppressions and marginalities at socio-economic, religious and political level, while asserting their identity and solidarity demanding egalitarian and just society. The paper will include selective writers: Sharan Kumar Limbale, Baby Kamble, Omprakash Valmiki, Mulk Raj Anand, Arundhati Roy, Ngugi wa Thiong ’o, Chinua Achebe, Meja Mwangi as their genres of discourse of resistance are psychologically and sanguinely committed to the deep-rooted dignity, all-round emancipation and liberation of Dalits and Africans.


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How to Cite

Talat. “Dalit and African Literature As the Discourse of Resistance: A Comparative Study”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 5, no. 1, Apr. 2020, pp. 1-7, doi:10.53032/tcl.2020.5.1.01.





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