Regionalism and Its Kaleidoscopic Portrayal with Special Reference to Indian Literature

Tradition, Indian Culture, Indian Panorama, FablesAbstract
It is a truth universally acknowledged that literature mirrors society. Among many branches of literature, regional literature is what undoubtedly keeps us bound to our soil i.e. our culture and traditions. Some people think that traditions are all static, stable and unalterable. However, this is not so. Even our traditions also change with the change of time. In fact, tradition is the gift of the historic sense. A writer with this sense of tradition is fully conscious of his own generation, of his place in the present, but he is also acutely conscious of his relationship with the writers of the past. The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past but also of its present. In brief, the sense of tradition implies (a) a recognition of the continuity of literature, (b) a critical judgment as to which writers of the past continue to be significant in the present and (c) a knowledge of these significant writers obtained through painstaking effort. Tradition represents the accumulated wisdom and experience of ages and so its knowledge is essential for really great and noble achievement. Regional literature is perhaps the only branch of literature which, by portraying these changing traditions, keeps us in touch with our ancestors, in touch with the world at present and in touch with the hope to make our world better and better. In fact, Indian literature stands as the mirror of Indian culture, quintessential of its exceedingly rich pre-historical tradition. Regarded as one of the oldest body of the literary works, Indian literature goes back to even those times, when copious written literature was still not in vogue and oral form was very much prevalent. And regional literature in India is an integral and inseparable body of writings, which was the precursor of this enriched past, laced with the potential orators and writers. A strong characteristic of the Indian regional literature is the sublime influence of regional Kathas, fables, stories and myths, which later developed as a distinct genre and were termed as the ‘regional literature. Indian literature, thus, as the cradle of the art of narration, gave birth to an important and independent genre of literature, the regional literature of India. The regional literature of India since the ancient times has traveled an extensive traversed path to gain the chic outline and shape that it possesses in present Indian panorama. The journey of regional literature of India is long, yet rich; it unveils the saga of the changing tradition of India, whilst murmuring evanescently about the exhaustively recognizable past of India.
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