Representation of reciprocal and cultural conflict in J. M. Coetzee's In the Heart of the Country: A Study in Post-Colonial Context
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Reciprocal, Culture, Post-Colonial, Linguist, Conflict, African, ApartheidAbstract
This paper is proposed to throw light on reciprocal and cultural conflict in the novel In the Heart of the Country, particularly in post-colonial context. As Coetzee is a linguist and Nobel laureate who has done great efforts to present the concrete and condensed reality of colonial people of South Africa. He has raised issues of colonial oppression and conflict among colonizers and colonized. Coetzee has been recognised as writer of marginalized and apartheid as well as a curtain raiser for presenting the harsh reality of sufferings of colonized. We cannot ignore the fact that post-colonial era has brought great reforms and improvements in the socio-economic conditions of colonized, yet there are various obstacles and challenges which have been inherited in minds of African aboriginal people who were earlier colonized by ''white people''.
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