Walker Percy’s Lancelot: The Riven Self Welded Whole By Logos

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Dr. Joy Jacob


Walker Percy, a Physician turned novelist’s Lancelot trumpets aloud the power of logos in the life of its protagonist Lancelot. Through language and intersubjectivity, Lancelot redeems himself from his malaise and angst. Fr. Percival like an alchemist transforms the life of Lancelot through his silent witness to everything that Lancelot narrates about his past.


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How to Cite
Dr. Joy Jacob. “Walker Percy’s Lancelot: The Riven Self Welded Whole By Logos”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 6, no. 2, June 2021, pp. 34-42, doi:10.53032/TCL.2021.6.2.06.


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