T. S. Eliot: His Age and Poetic Drama

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Dr. Piyushbala


Thomas Stearns Eliot was man of philosophy. He touched and enriched every field of English literature. He championed as a man of new hearing. He was a hard –working, studious and diligent enthusiast after knowledge. He described himself as classicist in literature and Anglo-catholic in religion. Poetic-drama is a great achievement of Eliot. He tried to use poetry and drama as a means of usefulness. He had observed two world wars and its consequences.  He advocated religion in literature.


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How to Cite
Dr. Piyushbala. “T. S. Eliot: His Age and Poetic Drama”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 1, no. 3, Aug. 2016, pp. 36-40, https://www.thecreativelauncher.com/index.php/tcl/article/view/384.


Compton-Rickett: A History of English Literature



Dr. A. G. George: T. S. Eliot: His Mind and Art, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1962.

E. Albert: A History of English Literature.

S. L. Bethell: “T. S. Eliot’s Introduction to Shakespeare and the Popular Dramatic Traditions”, Faber.

T. S. Eliot: ‘The Listener”, 1936.

G. Wilson. Knight’s: “The Wheel of Fire”, Oxford University Press. 1949.

Eliot’s Townsman, Letter to Ezra Pound; Five Points on Dramatic Writing”. 1938.

F. O. Matthiessen: The Achievement of T. S. Eliot. Oxford University Press. 1958.

A. C. Ward: Twentieth Century Literature