Save the Indigenous Teaching and Learning: ELT

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Dr. Giri Prasad Vidudhala
Mr. VDI Rajiv Raj


This paper explores not only the care of the indigenous in nativity of teaching of English Language and also advising the methods for language learners and language teachers, the methods where all learners do have some access for cognitive knowledge of intellectual development in language. The learners according to GT method to use their cognitive faculty to memorize grammatical rules, vocabulary lists, translation and reading comprehension and many more. This paper doesn’t explain all the rules but principal characteristics of GT method, it suggests GT method importance. It unravels the focus learning through cognitive system which is a real thinking as native speakers do. The word indigenous here meant the nativity of EL, the teaching of educated native speakers of ELT which second language teachers cannot faithfully do the same but there are absolute qualities can be gained from native speakers learning. There are hundreds and thousands of software technologies that teach English Language. Information and communication technologies (ICT) refer to technologies that provide easy access to information through telecommunications. This includes the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums. Learning EL through ICT is a half-backed knowledge.  All developed countries they setup and use digital learning. Here thanks to technology but if the curriculum is not designed with the standard approaches and the methods of ELT, surely a wrong learning enter! Even it leads to kill the language standards due to unnecessary globalized jargon. Globalization is one of the many terms virtually quotidian in present times discourse.


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How to Cite
Dr. Giri Prasad Vidudhala, and Mr. VDI Rajiv Raj. “Save the Indigenous Teaching and Learning: ELT”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 6, no. 4, Oct. 2021, pp. 135-40, doi:10.53032/tcl.2021.6.4.22.
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