Impact of the SHG-Bank Linkage Programme as an impressive factor for Women Empowerment in India

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Bhuvaneshwar Kumar Prajapati


In the changed context of rural development, there is more emphasis on sustainable development and empowerment of women in India which demand micro credit. Empower the women in social, political, economical and legal aspects became necessary to convert the idle society into self-sustainable society.  Women empowerment can be achieved through political power, education, employment and SHG.  Among these, SHG dominate and fruitful success of the women empowerment. SHG mainly concerned with the enlistment of the women in the society through, social, economical aspects. SHG not only mobilize micro finance and provide micro credit to the needed members but also it provides self employment training, awareness programme, promote the leadership qualities and confidential life to its members. This paper is concerned with empowerment of women and delineates the status of women, and the impact of SHG bank linkage programme on women empowerment.


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Bhuvaneshwar Kumar Prajapati. “Impact of the SHG-Bank Linkage Programme As an Impressive Factor for Women Empowerment in India”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 2, no. 3, Aug. 2017, pp. 474-88,
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