Writing Skill, Literates and Social Apps

Language, Technology, Social Apps, Spelling, GrammarAbstract
The world of English language is famous and one of the fashionable language of the people in the age of technology today. Anything happen in the world of technology is under the influence of English dialect. The English language is developing from one side while from the other side it gets some bad effects due to the use of social media. Development in the field of technology is the development of English dialect because the process of technology had started in the English dialect. Now a day this dialect is victimised by social apps. The hand writing skill and grammatical standard of this dialect is diminishing among literates due the frequent usage of social apps. Today the use of social apps is a changing factor about the use of English dialect in spelling and in grammatical use. The literates are committing mistakes in spellings and are not using correct grammatical language. The users of social apps do not considering these mistakes; they are consistently making errors in grammar and in spelling. The aim of this research is to study the impact of these tools on the English dialect in spellings and in grammar among literates. This study is done in District Ramban at higher secondary level and school level in different areas. To prove the effects of social media about the decreasing standard of English language, numbers of teachers have given some questionnaires for the purpose of samplings. The main objective of this research paper is to acquaint the readers to a new and growing trend in the usage of this dialect. The focus of this research paper is to show the readers that how literates are making errors while writing messages on Whatsapp, Facebook Twitter and on other social apps. The present study is to examine the use of social apps in the proper context of this dialect and their correct usage in the spellings and in grammatical form. This research paper would also examine the untouched portion of the English dialect, for this purpose some samplings have been taken in district Ramban of Chenab Vellay of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The present study will centre on the usages of English language among literate persons on social apps, that how they use it in their daily lives. This type of communication in English language among literates will be proved by this study. This research paper is an attempt to give the readers a new insight in this field. The efforts have been made to explain the bad effects of social apps on literates about the use of English dialect on social apps.
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