Different Facets of a Modern Seeker: An Attempt to Demystify T. S. Eliot

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Pragya Shukla


The paper attempts to study the religious and spiritual leanings of T. S. Eliot. It is an attempt to see deep into the images woven by him in his poetry and understand the inner turmoil that he underwent. T.S. Eliot was the most influential poet of the Modern Period. He paved a new path for poets of his times, encouraged them to wade away from the iambic patterns of poetry and concentrate on the individual voice of the poets. Readers of T.S. Eliot and his close circle of friends often discerned a difference between his private devotion and his public display of it. This paper tries to diffuse the mist that surrounds this enigmatic poet and help understand him better.


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How to Cite
Pragya Shukla. “Different Facets of a Modern Seeker: An Attempt to Demystify T. S. Eliot”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 2, no. 6, Feb. 2018, pp. 79-86, https://www.thecreativelauncher.com/index.php/tcl/article/view/777.
Research Articles


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