Communicative Competence in English as a Foreign Language: Its Meaning and the Pedagogical Considerations for its Development

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Sabri Thabit Saleh Ahmed
Dr. Sunil V. Pawar


This paper is an attempt to explore the term communicative competence in a foreign language. It goes through the various definitions and some models of the communicative competence especially those most common models of Hymes 1972 and Canale and Swain 1980 and Alcon 2000. It shows how the term ‘communicative competence’ has come into existence during the 1970s and how it has become a major aim for teaching and learning of English as a foreign or second language in many countries. The study recommends some activities, based on researcher’s personal experience in the field of teaching English as a foreign language and his reading of some previous studies in this field, which may help in developing the communicative competence of English as foreign language learners in Yemen particularly and the whole world generally. These suggested activities are usually communication-based activities that help in making classroom situation more interactive and provide as much opportunities for exposure to English as possible.


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How to Cite
Sabri Thabit Saleh Ahmed, and Dr. Sunil V. Pawar. “Communicative Competence in English As a Foreign Language: Its Meaning and the Pedagogical Considerations for Its Development”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 2, no. 6, Feb. 2018, pp. 267-7,
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