The Spirit of Resistance: the Study of Mahmoud Darwish and Ramzy Baroud

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Mohmad Aslam Najar


In the contemporary period, Palestine has witnessed a colossal political unrest/s of diverse kind and nature long after the Israeli occupation and armed conflicts professing sub nationalism, religious conflicts, class conflicts, imperial domination and illegal occupation, etal. However, historical and political evolution in Palestine has also given rise to these conflicts and unrest/s or it could be argued that these have been reinforced. The theme of resistance in the literature of Palestinian writers like Mahmoud Darwish and Ramzy Baroud, against the Israeli occupation n is a dominant discourse in the Palestinian society; devoting oneself to the national struggle often means giving up on personal ambitions linked to mobility. As this dilemma is particularly urgent for young Palestinians, their various responses to it—expressed by values, attitudes, and strategies—are at the center of the analysis. Palestinian Literature spoke to other causes of oppression and discrimination across the world. In his book, one of the foremost leaders of Palestinian literature and the person who coined the term Palestinian Resistance Literature, Ghassan Kanafani says, "In my stories I give my characters the freedom to express their own positions without reservation". This sense of international solidarity can also be found in Palestinian poets' work such as in Mahmoud Darwish's poem Cuban Chants, "And the banner in Cuba.. The rebel raises it in the Aures.. Oh a nation that feels cold", and in Samih Al-Qasim‘s poem, Birds Without Wings. Consequently, owing to many contending discourses, most of the writings of Palestinian writers have come up with their own subjective perspectives regarding these conflicts, especially in terms of experience and reality. Setting its base in the formal   categorization of resistance literature as “a force for mobilizing a collective response to occupation and domination.


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How to Cite
Mohmad Aslam Najar. “The Spirit of Resistance: The Study of Mahmoud Darwish and Ramzy Baroud”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 3, no. 1, Apr. 2018, pp. 121-32,
Research Articles


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