Superstition, a Preventive Way for Civilization: A Critical Study of Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable

Superstition, Religion, Casteism, Culture, Gender DiscriminationAbstract
Superstition is the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science. According to superstition, breaking a mirror brings bad luck. Traditionally it has been continuing from ancient to modern. And this belief makes us paralytic from all rational thinking. Therefore we lose our stamina to develop ourselves. Untouchable is one kind of superstitions that makes a separation among the people in the society. Though we know better it is not a rational idea but cannot remove from our mind as we suffer from a lack of conscience. It affects in our everyday life that cannot provide a superior thinking. If we make a journey through Untouchable an Indian novel by Mulk Raj Anand we can see how it makes a suffering in the life of Bakha and his family. Bakha the novel protagonist is untouchable as he belongs to the lower class and traditionally carries the profession of sweeper. Anand here depicts our uncivilized manners through the class struggle. The paralyzing and polarizing difference between the various caste levels shape Bakha’s day and fuel the narrative. Class and caste play a vital role in every interaction Bakha has over the course of his day. So the novel throws a message to the society to become conscious from superstitious idea. And it tries to make the equality among all by leaving the unjust system of society. Thus my paper seeks to pinpoint all these various issues which are not only valid but necessary to eradicate the evil of superstition from our society.
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