A Study on Consumer Behaviour in Selecting Mobile Hand Set

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Arjumand Bano


Contemporary business market research works majorly on consumer psychology and consumer behaviour. In today’s world when mobile hand set has become an essential gadget for most of the people, the consumer attitude and consumer behaviour gets affected by the technology and features of the phone which has led to intense competition among various brands. Market research can’t be done in isolation as cognition, affection and correlation is based on social changes, values.  The cognitive concepts of attitudes refer to our information based on beliefs and opinion about different brand. The effective of feelings component refers to our feelings and emotion attach to different characteristics of different cell phone and the cognitive component relates to our decision making and purchase behaviour it is observed that various types of consumer such as businessman, professional and students do have different kind of values and attitudes as such their consumer behaviour will be different. There is always a gender difference in the society as a result of socialisation, social values, family values and individual orientation. While considering different characteristics of cell phone such as brand, technology, utility, necessity or popularity, different types of consumer give different types of emphasis on these facets; intensive research is warranted to know the dynamics so that more useful research could be undertaken.


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How to Cite
Arjumand Bano. “A Study on Consumer Behaviour in Selecting Mobile Hand Set”. The Creative Launcher, vol. 2, no. 3, Aug. 2017, pp. 8-18, https://www.thecreativelauncher.com/index.php/tcl/article/view/505.
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